THAT340S14-U, Массив биполярных транзисторов, малошумящий The THAT340S14-U is a low-noise matched Bipolar Transistor Array with large geometry monolithic 2-matched NPN transistors and 2-matched PNP transistors configuration. It exhibits both high speed and low noise with excellent parameter matching between transistors of the same gender. The device is ideally suited for low-noise amplifier input stages, log amplifiers and many other applications. Fabricated in a dielectrically isolated, complementary bipolar process, each transistor is electrically insulated from the others by a layer of insulating oxide. It exhibits inter-device crosstalk and DC isolation similar to that of discrete transistors. Substrate biasing is not required for normal operation, though the substrate should be ac-grounded to optimize speed and minimize crosstalk.
• 2-matched PNP transistors with hfe of 75 and 2-matched NPN transistors with hfe of 100
• Low voltage noise
• High speed
• 500µV matching between devices
• Dielectrically isolated for low crosstalk and high DC isolation
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