PMD17K100, Биполярный транзистор, PNP, -100 В, 200 Вт The PMD17K100 is a PNP power Darlington Transistor features monolithic epitaxial base structures with built-in base to emitter shunt resistors. It is CVD glass passivated to increase reliability and provide reduced high-temperature reverse leakage current. This important feature enables this device to meet guaranteed operating junction temperatures of 200 C. Internal diode protection of the Darlington configuration is built into the structure to limit the device power dissipation during overshoot.
• Guaranteed and 100% tested for ISB insuring maximum performance at high energy levels
• Low thermal resistance for more use-able power and lower operating temperatures
• Hermetically sealed
Полупроводники — ДискретныеТранзисторыБиполярные Транзисторы